Weekly Spanish Classes: Each Friday, Miss Nilda teaches our students planned Spanish lessons
Weekly Fun Bus: Each week, our students can exercise on a travel bus that sports tumbling, climbing, and other gymnastics with a licensed professional
Monthly Parents Night Out: An additional charge Saturday night for your child to have a "sleep over" at the school
Special Guest Readers: We enlist parents as special guest readers throughout the month, allowing parents and kids alike to enjoy some quality time together
Career Days: Our students' families can sign up to tell us all about their careers. We also have local services, such as the police, firefighters, AC Aquarium, Home Depot, and more come as well
Camera Login Technology: Our camera technology gives parents 24/7 access to view our facilities via secure encrypted logins
Close Proximity: We are located across the street from the police department, library, and local eateries
Holidays: Halloween Parades, Pictures with Santa, and more!
Spooky Pumpkin Patch
Our students do a variety of crafts around the holidays, including family projects to create their own pumpkins!
Fun Bus
Our students partake in tumbling, climbing, and stretching aboard the secured converted Fun Bus with a licensed professional!
Building Friendship
Students who come through our school become lifelong friends!
AC Aquarium Travelling Touch Tank
The Atlantic City Aquarium comes and visits, providing our students the chance to learn with questions and interactions.
All of our facilities are designed with bright vibrant colors, plenty of toys and resources to learn with, and decorations to provide a warm, welcoming environment.
Career Days
One of our favorite career days was having the local police come and teach our students the importance of safety!